
Is your job getting busier and busier? Why work hard like everyone else? It’s time to dig in with our BoatAnchor package.


Don’t delay, call us now!

We saw you coming.

Our Services –
An overview with pricing

Our prices are carefully calibrated to extract the most money out of your wallet for as long as possible before you realise what an idiot you are. Our services are ‘set and forget’. Simply link your credit card to one of our subscriptions and forget about us.


我们的服务 –


  • Online Resources
    Access to our full suite of employment documents – except the ones you’ll really need
  • Included Consulting Time
    10 minutes

‘lite’ weight

A carefully curated range of services for a stingy bastard like you.

Lead Balloon

A slightly wider range of resources – for someone with commitment issues.

  • Online Resources
    More stuff you need and even things you don’t!
  • Included Consulting Time
    80 minutes
  • A hand written thank you note
    From our director’s assistant

  • Online Resources
    All of our documents – and even some that aren’t
  • Included Consulting Time
    300 minutes
  • A hand written thank you note
    From our director’s assistant
  • Peace of mind
    It’s like therapy. You’re paying us money to feel better


Go straight to Davy Jones’ Locker with our ‘upper-lower’ range service.